![]() How do you find time to write? I make time. I'm a professional author, so I don't squeeze it in between all my other commitments or do it whenever. It's a job, so I schedule time out of my life to do it, and fit other things around it. What’s your publishing tips? Whatever path you choose, research your industry, and network with others who've done it. Want to go traditional? Follow agent blogs and chat up traditionally published authors. Want to go indie? Hang out with indie authors and read indie publishing blogs. Make friends. Don't just talk shop with them, but develop a genuine interest in them. After all these people are going to be your peers and potential cheer squad. Any promotional and marketing tips? I've found my best ROI is when I market to people who are actively looking to buy books. Newsletter promo lists (like Fussy Librarian or Freebooksy) have worked well for me, while banner ads on websites... not so much. Tell us about your recent book. Actually, my recent book is a Fantasy Romance trilogy. I released the first book, God of the Dark in October, Bride of the Dark soon after, and the final book, House of the Dark, in December. I was inspired by the stories from Greek mythology and the cover art reflects the art found on Grecian urns. While some readers have described Of The Dark as a Persephone retelling, it's so much more than that. I also relied heavily on the stories of Zeus and Hera, Adrasteia, and others. I was also influenced by the Reluctant Hero trope. Adrastea, a simple country healer, is surprised to receive a marriage proposal from the Dark God Mor-Lath. As a devotee of a rival god, of course she turns him down. She was raised on chilling tales of this Chthonic being who drags the souls of the unrepentant to Dom-al-gol. Adrastea loves her simple country life of brewing medicines and saving lives. Marriage to Mor-Lath would greatly complicate things. Besides, why would the Dark God propose to her? Undaunted by her refusal, Mor-Lath insists on courting her. Sometimes he is charming, winning over the other villagers, but other times, she sees him for the dark god he truly is. He refuses to let anyone stand in his way. While he makes it clear he'll only have her willingly, he's making it very difficult for her to say no. She wonders, what is he really after? Adrastea faces a quandary: if she accepts the Dark God's marriage proposal, she'll lose her very soul. But if she rejects it, the world itself and everything in it might be at stake. Either way, the price is too high.
![]() Tell us a bit about yourself All my life I wanted to write, and tell stories. For most of it I made excuses not to do so, so I’m a late bloomer. I was in my wild days a rock guitarist, poet, songwriter, and gave it all up for love. Then I was busy raising children, renovating houses and working sixty plus hours a week. I will always be grateful to my wife for buying me a laptop and telling me “no more excuses, go and write that damn book,” when I pestered her once too often about an idea I had for a story. Sometimes, I think she regrets that now as book number nine is contracted and nearing completion. There are two fabulous things about being an author, for me. Number 1: the inborn need to tell a story, and if I can entertain a reader for a while; take them out of their day to day lives and take them to a place inside my imagination, well that’s just about heaven. Number 2: When someone does read one of my books, and takes the time to post a review, send me an email, or stop me at a party to talk about the characters I’ve created for their enjoyment…… Well, I tell you, there ain’t enough money in the world to buy that feeling. Is that egotistical? Probably. How do you find time to write? The main protagonist and my favorite character of all time of my creation, Jenny in Thirty Three Days says at one point, “Ah, if only there was more time.” Now in her case, the book is about time travel and trying to save the world, and she only has thirty-three days to do it. But for me the line sums up my writing – if ONLY I had more time to write. Ideas rattle around in my head all the time, and when I get ‘in the zone’ I don’t want to stop for anything, but sadly, I have to; real life gets in the way. The solution, for me, was said to me once by one of my old bosses: “If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it; they will make time.” – that sums up my writing, I’m so busy, but I always make time to write, because its my passion. I work for a living, but write for a passion. What’s your publishing tips? Write from your heart, and edit with your head. To complete a first draft of a novel is a celebration – lots of people will never get that far. Know that in that form, it is the worst it will ever be. From there is up, up, up as it gets better. I personally never do less that five rewrites, before I let anyone else see the MS. Being an author means never giving up. Life is full of rejection. Especially being Australian, it is impossible to get an agent – the few we have are all too busy unless you’ve already written a bestseller. The big agencies overseas are not that keen either, which I can understand. Receiving a pile of rejections doesn’t mean you can’t write, but I do believe they make you better at your craft. Any promotional and marketing tips? Sadly, writing a book and completing it is just the beginning. Then comes getting it published and that is not easy. But then, when all that is done and you get your cover art and final edited rounds completed and released, then the hard work comes – promoting it. I don’t have any magic formulas, but Twitter announcements, appearing on fellow authors blogs (like this one) Facebook parties etc all help to build a profile. And if you can get some good reviews, that helps enormously too. Tell us about your recent book. Glimpse, Memoir of a Serial Killer is Book 1 of the Deadly Glimpses Trilogy and has just been released by The Wild Rose Press. The three books tell the story of four people and the effects of desire between the two central characters, a married twenty year veteran cop, and a married glamorous Criminal Psychologist he is paired with. Each book is a stand alone story of them investigating three different serial killers, while the desire between them grows, as does the effect on their marriages. Book 2 has just passed it’s final editing round and should be released within two months, while the explosive finale should be out within six months. Glimpse, Memoir of a Serial Killer: In Perth, Australia, 1999, Sergeant Rick McCoy investigates the murder of a woman found butchered and packed inside a suitcase, left at the Midland Dump. The Killer then abducts another victim and threatens to dismember her slowly and send Rick a piece of her each day he goes uncaught. Rick's life is further complicated by a marriage in tatters after an affair he had. With the approaching end of the millennium, and the threat of computers shutting down due to the Y2K bug, his wife Juliet relents and forgives him. Frustrated at every turn in his investigation, he is paired with glamorous Criminal Psychologist and profiler, Patricia Holmes, and the mutual attraction is instantaneous. While trying to rebuild his marriage, he finds himself in a desperate race against time to free the victim and fight his desire for his new partner. They are pitted against a narcissistic sociopath, capable of extreme cunning and strategical planning, who seeks revenge against Rick for a wrong in his troubled childhood. Available via Amazon, check it out here: http://a.co/d/g3BXX1t Readers can contact me and follow me here: http://www.stephen-b-king.com twitter: @stephenBKing1 Facebook: @stephenbkingauthor Anything else you would like to add I’d like to thank my fellow Wild Rose Press, and fellow Aussie, author Liv for having me on board. It’s been a pleasure sharing some thoughts with you, I wish you lots of success with your upcoming release. I always respond to emails, so if anyone would like to chat more, drop me a line. I also can provide personally signed books of mine via my website. Merry Christmas to all and your families SBK ![]() Tell us a bit about yourself Growing up, my first love was acting. I auditioned for, and got the role of Peter Rabbit in third grade. I always enjoyed writing stories though, and for many years I told people “I’m an actor who can write.” But now, I consider myself a writer and an actor—equally. When I need a break from writing for hours, I love to walk. I live in the Hudson Valley, NY and there is a beautiful nature walk along the shores of the Hudson River. But, with my hometown being Laguna Beach, California, I also love to swim in the ocean and lay on the beach. How do you find time to write? Well, since I ride the train into NYC round trip every day, which equals almost three hours—I write on the train! I also carve out about three to six hours every Saturday and Sunday. That, coupled with a full time office day job of forty hours a week makes it challenging to keep up the writing schedule. However, when I see the results of a moving, emotional chapter or paragraph—it’s all worth it! What’s your publishing tips? I began really focusing on one story. I got serious and attended writer’s conferences and live pitched literary agents. I also enrolled in online writing workshops and read as many agent and editor interviews I could. I finally decided to go beyond the literary agent submissions and try something different, especially since the agents couldn’t seem to put my book into a category. I wasn’t horror. I wasn’t romance, but I was something in between. The reassuring part was that more and more agents liked my plot and encouraged me to keep trying. After gathering a list of eBook publishers (listed on another writer’s blog) who didn’t require representation, I began new submissions. One of those publishers on that list was The Wild Rose Press. I worked with one of their editors for a year, and now I’m under contract with them. I’m very excited! So, I would advise budding writers to not get locked into just getting an agent. Having an agent is great and I hope to be in partnership with someone one day myself, but if I’d stuck to only that outcome—I’d still be unpublished today. Any promotional and marketing tips? Having just received my contract from The Wild Rose Press, I’m in the process of learning how to do promotion and marketing. I do have my own website which I built myself on Weebly.com for free. When I upgrade it, so that I can attach videos, etc. I’ll pay monthly. I’m not quite there yet, but soon. I’m on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, but I’ll have to add Pinterest and Google Plus. Besides my own book promotion, I’ve begun blogging with a weekly “Creativity Cue” post, which is an inspirational pearl of wisdom for creativity. Some weeks it’s about writing and some weeks it’s about acting. I also love to speak to the concept of creative intuition. What stimulates a new story in your mind? What or who makes you feel giddy, frightened, playful, or sad? It’s something different that I like to throw in the mix of book marketing and has connected with many people on an emotional level. That said—I look forward to becoming an engaging and fun marketing whiz in the near future! Tell us about your recent book. Years ago, after completing a screenwriting course online, I couldn’t stop thinking about a strong female psychic heroine who communicates with ghosts and saves innocent people from dark creatures as a Paranormal Cleanser. I began writing Bay of Darkness and over the years the story and heroine evolved tremendously. My lead character Vivien Kelly must face her own dark side by channeling an ancient Celtic life of treachery, war, and murder or she will not be able to defeat Dagda—a Celtic demon. Compelled to the Northern California town of Half Moon Bay, she finds Dagda’s creatures tormenting the locals—from a Fear Dorcha to the Headless Horseman. The Kelly Society is then born—her own paranormal cleansing team. Recruiting Shawn Wilson, a young psychic woman (who becomes Vivien’s protégé), John Patrick, a retired Celtic Mythology professor, and Jason Lee, an ace photographer—they go full force to stop evil. Vivien must also face a fear of opening her heart to love. After witnessing the murder of her fiancé and almost dying herself, she vows to stay on her own. But, when called upon to banish a Banshee, the gorgeous man who’s occupied Vivien’s psychic dreams for the past three years opens the door. Neal Harrington is also intensely drawn to her, but doesn’t know why. All is revealed, as Vivien must ultimately go face to face with the demon to save the modern world from plunging into darkness and living under Dagda’s rule. And that is a peek into my paranormal adventure book Bay of Darkness, which will be published in 2019. The two books following will be a continuation of Vivien and her team’s story, but with new creatures, locations, challenges, and love stories. Thank you for having me Olivia! Starra’s Website: https://starraandrews.weebly.com Twitter: @magicstarra Instagram: starraandrews Starra’s Author Bio: When Starra Andrews wasn't swimming the Pacific ocean in her hometown of Laguna Beach, California, she busied herself by writing fantasy stories and acting on stage. Having grown up watching Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone and Night Gallery shows on TV, Starra quickly fell in love with paranormal tales with a message of wisdom and love. Also, being a fan of romance novels and non-fiction ghost stories, she decided to marry the two and write paranormal novels of suspense, adventure, and intrigue with a strong romantic foundation. The sense of adventure inside her came from summers of camping with her family in Mexico (Baja California) and walking along beaches with no other footprints but hers, as her family members unpacked the camper and got ready to collect clams right off the shoreline for dinner. After attaining a B.A. degree in Theatre from University of California, Irvine, and a Professional Acting Certificate from LACC Acting Academy, an idea sparked for interviewing actors to help student actors entering the theatre arena. Starra’s non-fiction book The Pursuit of Acting; Working Actors Share Their Experience and Advice was published by Praeger Publishers/ABC CLIO. Then, her paranormal short story A Hasty Decision appeared in the online magazine for speculative fiction Aberrant Dreams, and when Llewellyn Worldwide Publishers asked for real paranormal encounter stories for their Scary Story Contest, she won first place. Starra is also a member of the International Thriller Writers, which hosts the Thrillerfest writers conference every year in NYC. The beautiful Hudson Valley in upstate New York is where Starra now calls home. She loves being a quick train ride from New York City, but also enjoys country life. Her two tabby cats Audrey Hepburn and Vivien Leigh are her constant writing companions, and love to curl up on the table next to her laptop. Her heroine, psychic/paranormal cleanser Vivien Kelly and her team are in a race to rid the modern world of deadly Celtic creatures in her book trilogy, The Kelly Society. Bay of Darkness is the first book of the series. ![]() Tell us a bit about yourself. Ever since her first kiss, Sadira’s been spinning steamy tales in her head. But it wasn’t until her 50s that she tried her hand at writing one. Now she’s a happy citizen of Romancelandia, penning contemporary romance and cozy mysteries from her home in Washington State. When not writing, which is seldom, she explores the U.S. Pacific Northwest with her charming husband, enjoys the local music scene, plays guitar badly, and gobbles all the books. Visit Sadira at www.sadirastone.com. How do you find time to write? Writing is my full-time gig ever since I left my teaching job in 2014. I make a mug of strong coffee and stand at my desk all morning, usually in my pajamas or yoga pants, until the words on the screen start to blur. On a good day, one with minimal errands to run, I'm back at it in the afternoon after a break for some exercise. Life is good! What’s your publishing tips? Well, I'm a newbie, having just released my first book. Networking was key to my finding a publisher. I joined my local RWA chapter, joined every applicable social media group I could find, entered Twitter pitch contests, and attended workshops and conferences. It was a member of my RWA chapter in Olympia, Washington who recommended I submit to her publisher. I'm so grateful to the authors who've helped me along the way to publication, and I do what I can to lend a hand to others by promoting their books and hosting them on my blog. Any promotional and marketing tips? Social media is time-consuming but free. I've connected with readers on Facebook and Twitter. Tell us about your recent book. Through the Red Door, is a contemporary erotic romance set in a bookshop in Eugene, Oregon. Clara Martelli clings to Book Nirvana, the Oregon bookshop she and her late husband Jared built together. When rising rents and corporate competition threaten its survival, her best hope is their extensive erotica collection, locked behind a red door. In dreams and signs, her dead husband tells her it's time to open that door and move on. When a dark and handsome stranger's powerful magnetism jolts her back to life and he wants a look at the treasures of that secret room, she can't help but want to show him more. Professor Nick Papadopoulos is looking for historical erotica. Book Nirvana's collection surpasses his wildest dreams, and so does its lovely owner. A widower, he understands Clara's battle with guilt, but their searing chemistry is too strong to resist. Besides, he will only be in town for two weeks, not long enough for her to see beyond the scandal that haunts his past. Why set the series in a bookshop? Ever since I was a wee lass, I dreamed of owning one. Add to that my fascination with historical erotic art and literature, and you’ve got the Book Nirvana series. I enjoyed the chance to feature an older couple—though at 39 and 41, Clara and Nick are hardly seniors. Late-in-life love, second chances at happiness, and reinvention are themes that pop up in my stories again and again. As pioneering female writer George Eliot said, “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” Nick and Clara’s sizzling chemistry proves that love can burn just as hot past that first flush of youth. Short Excerpt: Probably just one of those guys who flirt with everyone. Thinking of him that way made it easier to face the prospect of seeing him again when he came for the rest of the books on his list. She knew in her bones she was not ready for a— what, a fling? A flirtation? A hot tumble among the naughty books? Her body’s fevered response to Nick felt like a betrayal to Jared. But the thought of running her hands along Nick’s tawny skin warmed her in places that had been too cold for too long. Here are buy links, in case you allow those: https://www.amazon.com/Through-Red-Door-Book-Nirvana-ebook/dp/B07J5BCTSG/ https://wildcatalog.thewildrosepress.com/all-erotic/6283-through-the-red-door.html https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/through-the-red-door-sadira-stone/1129705434?ean=2940161713808 ![]() Tell us a bit about yourself : I am university administer at the University of Cincinnati. I’ve been married for 32 years, have two children, and one precious grandchild. I’ve co-written several textbooks but recently started writing fiction and love it. I am a huge animal lover and have a Maltipoo and an Amazon parrot. In my free time I crochet, read, and binge watch all kinds of shows on Netflix. How do you find time to write? I write mainly on the weekends, and I do some editing and social media in the evenings. I also write any day I have vacation or am off from work. What’s your publishing tips? The best advice I can give is write a great book. Polish your novel and have it read by several beta readers, then query. Do your homework about publishing companies and don’t jump at the first offer to publish without first doing a thorough check on the company. Never, ever give up. Any promotional and marketing tips? Marketing and promotion is not something many authors like. Most of us just want to write. Unfortunately, just writing without promotion and marketing means no one will read your book. Social media must be your friend, and you will have to promote your brand far and wide and continuously. Tell us about your recent book. Six Months is a mainstream, contemporary romance novel written from the point of view of the heroine and the hero. The story centers around the loss of a child, and the devastating effect it has on a family. Mikala, the mother, is devastated and for a while she is not sure she wants to survive. The human spirit is resilient, and the story is told in Six Month increments as she learns to forgive the person responsible for her child’s death, rebuilds her life, and falls in love with an old friend. The story is a tear jerker with a deep emotional tug, but it does have a happy ending and leaves the reader hopeful and rooting for Mikala and Jake. Mona Sedrak lives in Cincinnati, Ohio and works as a university administrator and professor. Although she has co-published two academic books, she is now writing mainstream fiction and women's fiction. She is an avid reader and is probably Audible's best customer. Writing and reading fiction is her escape from reality. Mona lives with her husband of 31 years, a geriatric maltipoo, and an Amazon Parrot named Pretzel. She binge watches too many shows to count and she loves fine brandy. Website: https://www.monasedrak.com/ Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Mona-Sedrak/e/B003VGUOZQ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorMSedrak Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/MonaSedrakAuthor/ Goodreads:https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4563964.Mona_Sedrak Email: [email protected] Newsletter: https://www.subscribepage.com/h1a1s0 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authormonasedrak/ Facebook Readers Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MonasReaderGroup/ Goodreads: Six Months https://goo.gl/6RybA1 Amazon: https://goo.gl/gRmsMr The Wild Rose Press: https://goo.gl/1emrMC B&N: https://goo.gl/bQfNL1 Ibooks: https://goo.gl/yD7qfX For twenty years, Mikala Jacobson had it all: loyal friends, a precious little girl, and a man who adores her. Then double tragedy strikes and her perfect world shatters. Good friends, Rena and Jake are instantly by her side, protecting her from her husband David’s sordid secret life and his final drunken confession. With their help, Mikala finds strength to rebuild and redefine her life. As her spirit and heart heal, she not only finds closure, but the beauty of a new love built upon an old friendship. |
AuthorGroot the puppy, my faithful companion, sits by my side while I write my stories. Archives
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